Chariot of the Cherubim
Part 2
Jack Davis
Interesting symbols: The pattern and construction concerning the Ark, as well as everything in the tabernacle, teach about Jesus Christ and His work of redemption.
What was to be placed in the ark? Read Heb. 9:1-11. In the temple of Solomon it contained only the table of stone. I Kings 8:9.
What was placed on the ark? The mercy seat, which also acted as a lid. The blood of the sacrifice was sprinkled thereon. God said He would neet and commune with His people there. Ex. 25:21
What was on the mercy seat and covered it? The cherubim of glory – Heb. 9:5.
Where was the ark to dwell when Israel camped? In the Holy Place (the Holiest of Holies) the throne room. With the blood sprinkled upon the mercy seat, represents for us the throne of grace. Heb. 4:14-16 and 10:19-22.
What do the Cherubim Represent? Can you see redeemed, glorified humanity, who have by the power of the Holy Spirit entered the glorious liberty of the Children of God? In the Word of God they seem to be enjoying the spacious, gracious freedom of performing the will of the throne. They seem to be carrying out and calling forth the mode, mood, and movement in harmony with that glorious throne of glory.
I greatly appreciate Pastor Richard’s series on “Liberty” and quote the last paragraph. “In eternity each of us is an integral unit. Our faith takes hold of it now. The cherubim of Ezekiel and the seraphim of Isaiah, show the full character of Christ in man. He has the nature, the humility, the power, the durability that a God-man should have. Who are these cherubim and seraphim? They can be you…me…an entirely new “I.” Praise the Lord! Liberty from all the bondage of corruption!”
The cherubim’s wings tell us some wonderful things about how full overcomers are enabled by the Holy Spirit to rise and reign. Eze. 10:15-17; Isa. 40:28-31. The expression in our translation is “mount up.” Ezekiel 10:15 also identifies the cherubim as living creatures. These “living creatures” with four wings joined one to the other (unity of the Spirit), straight feet, and four faces, (a man, a lion, an ox, and an eagle) show the fourfold characteristics of our Lord Jesus
Christ pictured in the four gospels, and reproduced in His dependant people.
In Revelation chapters four and five the living creatures are referred to as “beats.” Their description in 4:6-8 is comparable to those in Ezeklel ten. When these redeemed and glorified beings joyfully express their knowledge of Christ’s right to reign both as Creator and Redeemer, all creation seem to react. That which is said of them affords us some marvelous insight to the conveyance of the King of kings, for they are always acting in perfect harmony with the will of the throne. These will have taken the name of Jesus with them, carried His life, as treasure in earthen vessels, born His reproach, made Him known to others, and shown forth His light.
Transport for dignitaries of most countries are elaborate. But what is the president’s limo, copter, or plane compared to a chariot of cherubims? For seven years our assemble took a bus load of young people to youth camp out in the Colorado rockies, what trips! The Lord was certainly with us, and watched over us. One year we got behind a bus named the ‘Lord’s Ford.’ Someone wondered if we could call our bus “The bride’s ride.” We had some real blessings and mechanical problems with the old bus, but it was far easier to take them than Rebecca’s camel.
“The Lord reigneth; let the people tremble: He sitteth (enthroned, above, among, on or between) the Cherubims; let the earth be moved.” – Psa. 99:1. We here have a chariot that it is a living vehicle, made up on living creatures.
In Songs of Solomon 1:9; the king compares the great love of his life, to a company (how significant) not of wild horses, but to a highly trained company of powerful creatures that move swiftly in perfect unison at the will of the chariot master, and which otherwise stood perfectly still. In Songs of Solomon 3:9-11, We read that the king built for himself a palanquin, His car of state. Some have called it a litter. By definition this has characteristics of a curtain covered couch for carrying a crowned one.
He made has chariot of wood which teaches of our Lord’s work with humanity, having become man to redeem mankind. He made the pillars of silver, in other words His work, it’s solid supports were established on redemption. In Old Testament type the redemption money was silver. Of course under the new covenant we are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus. The floor of His car of state was of gold. He became man to make mankind a partaker of the divine nature, pictured by the gold. The covering of purple indicates that those who are born into the family of God by faith in Jesus Christ are heirs of God, born to royalty. The midst paved with love, that is what the gospel story is all about. The greatest love story ever told, from start to finish, first to last, least to the greatest. This is the chariot of charity. “Unto Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests unto God and His Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.” Rev. 1:5-6. Read and rejoice in 5:11-14.
He who is the king maker, house builder, foundation, and chief corner stone will soon finish His work in the objects of His love. Then will He forever be highly honored as the King of all kings, and Lord of all lords. He who is the maker of true priests must be acknowledged as the High Priest forever.
Oh, what a Redeemer, what a Savior, none other name can claim such fame, for no one in heaven and earth has borne the blame, and suffered the full measure of reproach and shame. Oh, yes the highest praise must go to our lover, liberator, and lifter of our heads forever.
“Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariots of Ammi-nadib.” S.O.S. 6:12.
In a grand surprise, the king of love seems to dip too low on His inspection tour. Then all of sudden with love’s magnetic force the king and His greatest love get caught up and carried away in translation’s embrace. He might be heard to say, “Before I realized what was happening, my heart set me on the chariots of my princely, or willing people.” I am told such is the meaning of Ammi-nadib. The Lord Himself will soon descend with a shout, and His watching waiting bride shall ascend to that glad meeting in the air! What comfort this hope affords.