Friday, April 1, 2022

 He Rode Into Jerusalem 

He rode into Jerusalem on a borrowed donkey 

It was the Father’s will for Him to ride. 

Jesus knew the hour had come; our sins to pay. 

His Father’s will must be obeyed.


He rode and the people strew palm leaves in the way. 

They cried blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord. 

Yet, did they understand what His entry meant that day? 

Some did not know the depth of love he showed.


It was important, the Scriptures, He must fulfill. 

Jesus knew his mission was almost done. 

He told His disciples His death was His Father’s will. 

And on the third day rise again, the victory won.


In Zechariah nine, nine, said years ago 

The Messiah, Israel’s King would enter in this manner. 

So they were to rejoice and shout aloud too. 

Their King would die but live forever.


Jesus had a purpose in coming to Jerusalem 

A Cross of shame was waiting on a hill. 

He came to fulfill prophecy told of Him 

To bear all our sin was indeed the Father’s will. 

Phyllis Nesbitt