Friday, October 1, 2021


Earlene Davis

The Miraculous Deliverance – Daniel 12

V. 1 - Begins with “And at that time,” the time of the end (11:40) when the Antichrist will come on the scene and vent his fury on Israel. At that crisis time of unparallel trouble such as never experienced before (greater then the holocaust) they shall be given supernatural help. God will fight for His people when they are at their wit’s end. Michael, the great warrior angel for Israel will stand up for their help. It will be a real turning point (after centuries of defeat and misfortune), a complete miraculous overthrow of all Israel’s enemies, never again to be trodden down). It will be the greatest battle ever fought. The clock will strike the hour of their resurrection. The dry bones will begin to shake and there will be a great awakening (Ezek. 37:1-14). Israel will arise from the ashes and put on her garments of Salvation and praise and sing with joy as she has never sang before. 

Notice, not all the natural lineage of Abraham, living and dead or good or bad shall be saved. The deliverance and resurrection is for those that believe, “every one that shall be found written in the book (V.1c). A nation will be new born, the people contrite and humbled, a new creation, a holy seed, a spiritual people. 

In Rev. 12:7-9 we read of a war in the heavenlies, not where God’s throne is but somewhere in the vast expanse above the earth. Amos 9:6 tells us there are spheres of vast extent, stories in the heavens. Satan and his forces (the wicked spirits) have ruled over some of that. This war in heaven precedes the one on earth. When Satan is cast down, his time is short. He stirs up the nations in a combined struggle to exterminate the Jews. For through them Christ shall reign over the earth. He is the King of the Jews and he shall reign when Satan has been bound in hell a thousand years. Satan fights hard with all his power, so there is trouble like there has never been before (Jer. 30:7). It is a travail time for Israel, Her birth pains from which she shall come forth a nation new born (Isa. 66:8). She shall be purged, a glorious kingdom of priests to reign and bring blessing to the whole world.

V. 2 - this statement embraces the millennium. Many of Israel awaken to everlasting life and will precede the many awaken to shame and contempt by a thousand years. Compare Jn. 5:28-29 and Rev. 20:6-7,11-15. But there will be a resurrection. The faithful dead shall come forth out of their graves and participate in the glorious kingdom of Christ. They shall not be part of the earthly population, for they will have glorified bodies and may reign over the earth (Mt. 19:28 & 8:11). The earthly people will not enjoy their glorified bodies until the end of the millennium. We see ranks in the resurrection of Israel, for some worthies of faith of the Old Testament were raised up when Christ arose (Mt. 27:51-52), obtaining a better resurrection (Heb. 11:35). The second rank will arise when Christ will appear and call them out of their graves, but the restored nation will not enjoy their glorified bodies until the end of the 1,000 year reign. Isa. 65:20 says the rebellious will be cut off at 100 years in the millennium, for there will be no toleration of wickedness ( Isa. 65:20).

V. 3 - There will be some “wise ones” spiritual teachers that will exhort the believing remnant. They shall shine in that darkness, adorning the nation.

V. 4 - Daniel’s prophecy was sealed, for the nation did not understand the prophecy, the vail was upon their heart, but in their hour of need, they shall understand. They shall search the writing of Daniel, “knowledge shall be increased” and understand that the end is at hand.

Vs. 5-8 - Two other persons appear beside the Glorious Man which has been with Daniel since the beginning of the vision. The Glorious Personage appears above the water, the other two are standing on the bank of the river, one on the right, the other on the left. One calls to the Man upon the waters, “How long unto the end of these wonders?” The Man lifts up His hands and swears by Him that liveth forever that 3 1/2 year shall be the time in which these closing wonders shall be consummated, agreeing with Ch. 7:25 and 9:27. It refers to the time when the Antichrist shall have absolute power in his hands and shall devastate the Jews. God will allow it for Israel chastening. When His purpose is accomplished He will suddenly put an end to the false despot and his kingdom.

The Jews for that determined time will be utterly helpless and shut up to the mercy of God. They will learn the hopelessness of trusting the flesh, not only their own, but all flesh. They will call upon the Lord with their whole heart. The Lord will preserve a third part of that nation and plant them as a seed in the renewed earth when He is King. They will humble themselves in repentance and he will look on them in grace (Isa. 64:1; 66:2; Mt. 23:39; Isa. 25:9).

Vs. 9-10 - Daniel saw and heard the vision, but did not understand it. But the people of the end will open his prophecy and understand. Daniel is assured that he is a prophet and all declared to him shall be fulfilled at the time of the end.

V. 10 – Many Jews shall suffer, their faith tried in the furnace of affliction. They shall come forth in victory, purified. The fiery trial which will melt the wise and prudent will only harden the heart of the foolish.

V. 11 – another measurement as to end time events, 1290 days between the time “the daily sacrifice is interruped and the abomination of desolation is set up. We know from Ch. 9:27 that it is set up in the midst of the week of 7 years. So reckoning backward from that time, brings us to 30 days before the beginning of the 7 years of 1260 days. When we get our starting point, then the remainder of these dates are simplified. So the basic offering, the daily burnt offering is taken away just 30 days before the covenant with the false prince is ratified. For the Jews to give up this principal offering is equivalent to letting go of their faith in the Messiah, not believing in the God of their fathers, a sign of their apostate condition.

Vs. 12-13 – The second measuring line (1335 day), gives the very day of Christ’s appearing to the Jews. Beginning at the very some time as the tribulation and counting brings us to 75 days after its close. No doubt those day will be spent in mourning for the one they have pierced (Zech. 12:10-14). The Jews who endure to the end of the tribulation will be blessed indeed.