Sunday, March 1, 2020


In a moment! In a moment!
   At the breaking of the day,
Christ shall come with clouds triumphant,
   And shall steal His Bride away,
Evermore to reign in glory,
   Altogether glad and gay.

In a moment! In a moment!
   All our sorrows will by past,
As the Lord shall be descending,
   He shall change these mortals fast;
And we’ll leave our fragile basket
   At the trumpet’s bridal blast.

In a moment! In a moment!
   At the moving of the reel,
We shall don our heavenly clothing,
   And mount up at trumpet peal.
All the wounds and stabs of Satan,
   Jesus then will quickly heal.

In a moment! In a moment!
   In the twinkle of an eye,
We’ll be taken up in chariot
   To our mansion in the sky,
Where we’ll meet and greet our Bridegroom,
   And will never say, “Goodbye.”

Mary M. Bodie