Saturday, December 1, 2018


Pastor Debra Isenbletter

Christian Assembly, Springfield, Missouri

The Valley of Refreshing (Ps. 104:10): “He sendeth the springs into the valleys, which run among the hills.” Who sends the springs? The Lord does! Where are the springs found? In the valleys! Notice that valley is plural. We look back over all the different valley experiences and find this great truth – in each valley will be found a place of refreshing. The Lord sees the need and will always meet the need. Out of all the places the Lord could send springs we find that He sends them to the valleys, He makes them available there.

To enjoy these springs – we must first be in the valley, for these particular springs are found no where else! The Lord will provide refreshing anywhere we find ourselves, but these springs are unique, for they are found only in the valleys. To be satisfied with these springs, we have to come to the place of need first. It is when we are really thirsty that we appreciate a drink of water and when we are really needy, the Lord sends these springs and they are supernatural springs!

(Deut. 8:7): “For the Lord thy  God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of the valleys and hills.” Here we see what happens after we have passed through the valley, after we have been brought “into a good land.” The wonderful promise is that we will be brought out and into a good land. Israel was brought out of Egypt and out of the wilderness and into “a good land.” We have been brought out of the world and when our pilgrimage and journey is over we will be brought into a “good land,” it is a heavenly home that awaits us. There are also times when the Lord brings us out of the valley and gives us a wonderful time of rest before we enter into another valley.

During those times when we have passed through a valley, we look back and see “brooks” and “fountains” and “depths” He has provided. We see that they all come from “out of valleys.” There is a unique type of refreshing that only comes from the valley experiences. We can comfort others because of our experiences and our sufferings, comfort that comes from “out of valleys.” After we have passed through the valley, what we have learned not only refreshes us but can refresh others. We can bring out of the valleys those “brooks” and “fountains” and “depths” for they are times of refreshing that have become a part of us, glorious refreshing that the Lord has given to us in times of need. We in turn, can give to others, who are passing through valley experiences a taste of the refreshing we have received.

There is such a abundance of blessing provided to each child of God, even in the midst of the greatest trial or deepest valley. The Valley of Blessing is where we bless the Lord and He blesses us. The Valley of watching is where we watch the Lord enable us and deliver us. The valley of the Oak is where we see the Lord as our strong oak and lean on Him. The Valley of Thorns is where we dwell and bring forth a sweet fragrance and where the results of our suffering are seen in the valley of fruits or our fruitfulness. The Valley of the Shadow of Death is where we pass through, looking at Christ who is our Life. The valley of Weeping is where all our sorrows are changed to victories. The valleys of Refreshing is where we are refreshed and where we refresh others from our experiences.