What does the Bible say?
What is the Scriptural attitude for Christians politically?
We are admonished in I Tim. 2:1-6 to pray for all men, even kings and all in authority, that we may lead a peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth. For Christ Jesus gave Himself a ransom for all men.
There is much confusion in all the world and rulers need the prayers of God’s people. God can overrule the purposes of wicked men who have no fear of God. The Bible tells of rulers who were moved to do God’s will, even though they really did not know God. He puts it into their hearts to fulfill His will and purposes. Read Daniel 4;17, 35.
God has revealed His purpose to destroy the present order of things -II Pet 3:7. What it written shall come to pass. Let us walk in the steps of our father Abraham’s faith; when God told him He purposed to destroy Sodom, Abraham made intercession. We are to pray that God will use even the rulers to bring about His purposes. Read Heb. 11:10,13,16.
“All flesh is grass” – Isa. 40:6; I Pet.1:24.